Global Zest's AS/400 IBM iSeries Users List encompass the globe, with extensive, geographically segmented lists. Global Zest's AS400 mailing lists can be customized to provide you with the range of AS 400 users within a host of demographic selects, letting you pinpoint your target audience with impeccable accuracy.
Our iSeries lists are entirely permission-based and include the freshest, most up-to-date information available anywhere. In addition, we offer a horde of ancillary services designed to boost your campaign success.
You can choose from any the following unique selects to better isolate your target audience,
To make sure your campaign cuts through the competition, contact Global Zest now!
95%+ for Direct mails, 95%+ for Tele-contacts and 85% to 90% + for emails
When you decide to work with Global Zest you stand to gain much more than a mere AS400 mailing list. Our marketing professionals can assist you at almost every stage of the campaign process, from pre-sales to the actual campaign to analyzing customer feedback and sales follow up procedures.
S 400, as one of IBM's most successful mid-range computer systems, enjoys widespread use in multiple industries. Despite being a piece of legacy infrastructure, the AS 400 and iSeries line still hold a sizable market share - one that looks unlikely to be diminished since IBM's newer systems feature extensive backward compatibility. With the launch of IBM Power Systems, IBM continues to provide support for the iSeries and maintains that the system's functionality is on par with many of today's high-speed servers. In its heyday, the legendary iSeries handled over a huge amount of the core business computing in America with companies like Microsoft relying on the system for much of their internal processing.
You can also Schedule an Appointment at your most convenient time to discuss more on your target list criteria, pricing and other benefits we provide.