Global Zest can provide you with contact details of CTOs employed throughout the Northern Hemisphere, and allowing you to market your technology or application with a minimum of investment and effort.
Our custom-built CTO lists offer you excellent ROI and conversion rates, as we isolate the companies that are most likely to benefit from your product or service.
If you’re trying to market a technology, you should understand that targeting multiple audiences with multiple messages is a great way to achieve maximum returns. That’s why we offer you a number of selects in determining your CTO markets,
While CAO’s may serve as a superlative target audience for several technologies and software, their core lies in information analysis. As a result, products aimed at addressing data analysis and processing are likely to strike a rich chord among these executives.
95%+ for Direct mails, 95%+ for Tele-contacts and 85% to 90% + for emails
The IT industry is experiencing consistent growth as businesses the world over become increasingly reliant on software to process and streamline a company’s day-to-day functions. Interestingly, the position of CTO or chief technology officer is also becoming increasingly important especially within companies that integrate software into their products or services.
A CTO is responsible for the development, manufacture and marketing of new or existing technologies within a company. In companies that do not produce some sort of technology-based application or service, the CTO’s role is usually redundant. However, giving the vast number of technology companies out there, CTOs form a very lucrative market for a host of products.
You can also Schedule an Appointment at your most convenient time to discuss more on your target list criteria, pricing and other benefits we provide.